Top business newspapers available in India

A newspaper is a fantastic resource for current international news. Everything that happens across the world, whether it be in sports, geography, science, entertainment, or a variety of other areas, is covered in this collection of papers that has been expertly organized and info graphically explained. Newspaper usage has undoubtedly decreased as a result of digital media, which is why people frequently downplay how important they are. However, it is the only informational resource that is accessible anywhere without internet, making it crucial to our daily life. Lets discuss the best business newspapers in India.

1. Economic times-The most popular financial newspaper in India is Economic Times, which has over 3.7 million subscribers nationwide. It is the country’s most popular newspaper. With an emphasis on Indian business, it covers a range of business-related themes. It is Owned By Times Group. The reason behind the popularity of the Economic Times is its full range of news categories, including finance, stock price, and others.

2. Business standard-Business Standard’s daily editions in English and Hindi are renowned for being business publications. The Indian economy, international trade, corporate law, stock markets, infrastructure, and currency exchange are all covered. It is established in 1975 as a daily business newspaper which is written both in English and Hindi. You can check the latest stock prices of India’s leading companies, including Sensex, Nifty, Gold, Silver, etc., making it the best business newspaper in India.

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3. Business today-One of the first business publications in India, Business Today provides a fantastic range of periodical content. It also provides exceptional and web-only content.

4. Financial express- The Financial Express is published by the Indian Express group. It is an Indian daily that was founded in English in 1961. This publication specializes in reporting on global finance and business news.

5. Livemint- Since 2007, HT media has released the daily financial publication Livemint in India. The KK Birla family owns this media empire with offices in Delhi. Its main target audience is decision-makers in business and politics. The newspaper is published by HT Media, a Delhi-based media group. Livemint provides information about Startups, Mutual Funds, Insurance, Technology, Investments, etc.

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6. Financial chronicle- Financial Chronicle, a prestigious financial daily published in Indian, was established in 2008. It mainly focuses on business and economic issues, financial news, and national and international politics.

7. Money control- Reliance Industries owns the online business daily MoneyControl in India. It includes information on markets, the economy, stocks, companies, consumer technology, trends, and personal finance.

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Conclusion – You may have noticed that we used a digital newspaper as an example, but in the end, it still serves the newspaper’s main objective, which is to inform the audience. Even in the digital world of today, many still want to read a newspaper while drinking tea. Ultimately, this oldest kind of media continues to be a vital source of knowledge and has a large influence on how people behave. Given that we are constantly surrounded by digital technology, reading a newspaper will also have significant health benefits, notably for our eyes and mental peace.