Amazon Prime membership will give you access to unlimited free fast deliveries +Amazon Prime video where you can watch latest and exclusive , Movies and TV shoes at just a price of starting 179 per month.

Price of Amazon Prime Membership
Plan Price
Monthly Rs 179
Quarterly Rs 459
Annual Rs 1499
So you can grab the unlimited benefits of prime membership at a cost of starting@179 per month.
1. Free and Fast delivery of products- There is no need to pay separately for every order delivery charges if you will get the prime membership you can have the unlimited free deliveries one day and two day delivery on eligible items all over India. You can even enjoy same day and morning delivery codes in selected cities across India. There is exclusive 2 hour express delivery to eligible pin codes like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad with the prime Now App.
2. Prime Video– if you have the Prime membership you can access latest and exclusive bollywood and regional blockbuster movies and all time hit movies of Hollywood like jumanji. You can even excess the latest TV shows on prime original series you can watch this from anywhere in the comfort of your home in front of a android or IOS phone, tablet, laptop or desktop.

3. Prime Music– prime member can enjoy unlimited ad free music streaming and offline downloads of songs in multiple languages. You can enjoy the music voice controlled with Alexa. There is no need to type anything just a voice command and listen to music across devices.
4. Gaming with prime– Prime members get access to free in game content like powerups, characters, themes and more across popular mobile games you have to login your Amazon account within supported games to claim in game content.
5. Prime Reading- you can enjoy Prime reading on your kindle E reader or install the free kindle reading apps on Mobile , tablet, Pc or Mac.
6. Enjoy the exclusive Deals first-As a prime member you can get access to exclusive deals on all categories. You can get 30 minute early access to top lightning deals every day and 24 hours early access to all big sales like summer sale, republic day sale.