- 1.5 Ton: – Suitable for medium sized rooms (111 to 150 sq ft)
- Ambience Light Introducing for the first time ever, an immersive display on the AC which helps you understand the ambience better and control the temperature more effectively
- Expandable Inverter Hitachi’s Expandable AC expands its capacity in adverse temperature conditions, it cuts down humidity level inside the room and achieves set temperature faster
- 100% Inner Grooved Copper Tube Hitachi’s 100% inner grooved copper ensures faster cooling with its turbulent refrigerant flow that enhances heat transfer rate
- Stepless Compressor Control Specially designed advanced microcontroller checks indoor and outdoor condition, and varies compressor speed seamlessly, thus offering uninterrupted cooling.
- Penta Sensor Hitachi’s intelligent Penta sensor technology with its advanced microcontroller offers perfect cooling even in extreme summer conditions, optimizes cooling in load variation and protects critical components of the AC
- SuperSlit fins of Hitachi ACs have multiple slits that provides more heat exchange area and cools the room faster.