
Himalaya Anti Dandruff Shampoo With Tea Tree Removes Dandruff & Soothes Sclap, 1000 ml And Himalaya Anti Hair Fall Shampoo with Bringaraja, 1000 ml


  • Addresses the root cause of dandruff such as malassezia fungus and dry scalp, while being gentle on hair
  • Dandruff control. Gently massage the shampoo into wet hair and scalp. Rinse thoroughly.
  • Nourishes and strengthens hair roots, ensuring a healthy scalp
  • Ideal For: Men & Women
  • Stimulate hair follicle growth and are effective in strengthening hair roots and controlling hair fall
  • Improves your hair texture to reduce hair fall due to breakage
  • Hair fall control. Ideal For: Men & Women
  • Country of Origin: India


  • Addresses the root cause of dandruff such as malassezia fungus and dry scalp, while being gentle on hair
  • Dandruff control. Gently massage the shampoo into wet hair and scalp. Rinse thoroughly.
  • Nourishes and strengthens hair roots, ensuring a healthy scalp
  • Ideal For: Men & Women
  • Stimulate hair follicle growth and are effective in strengthening hair roots and controlling hair fall
  • Improves your hair texture to reduce hair fall due to breakage
  • Hair fall control. Ideal For: Men & Women
  • Country of Origin: India