
Havells Digiplus 6 Litre Absolutely safe RO + UV purified pH balanced Water Purifier


  • Kindly note: For every litre of water purified, 650 ml of water is thrown out by the machine. It is encouraged to save the water in a container and use it for cleaning utensils, washing clothes.
  • Warranty Description: 1 Year On Product; Purification Method: Ultravioletreverse Osmosis; Included Components: Water Purifier, User Manual, Installation Kit


  • Kindly note: For every litre of water purified, 650 ml of water is thrown out by the machine. It is encouraged to save the water in a container and use it for cleaning utensils, washing clothes.
  • Warranty Description: 1 Year On Product; Purification Method: Ultravioletreverse Osmosis; Included Components: Water Purifier, User Manual, Installation Kit