- FULL HD RESOLUTION: 3MP provides Full HD Video Camera which provides more details in video and live viewing.
- WiFi CLOUD CAMERA: The camera can be connected to local wi-fi network, if internet is available in wi-fi network then it will connect automatically to cloud and provide view from anywhere across the world.
- BI-DIRECTIONAL TALK: Camera has inbuilt mic and speaker, remotely from network one can talk to camera location with any person.
- MOTION DETECT & TRACKING: Camera has motion detect analytics to detect motion and it can also track any object or person with pan & tilt function.
- EVENT NOTIFICATIONS: Camera provides notification on mobile app for motion detection.
- SD CARD: Camera has SD card slot which is used for video recording, normal or event-based recording can be done.
- DO IT YOURSELF (DIY): The customer can install & configure camera by himself with few simple steps. There is no need for any professional technician or installer.