Five different ways to sip your Coffee the herbal approach

A complex beverage, coffee contains hundreds of compounds, some of which can boost our metabolism, energy, and mood, while others can lead to acid reflux, anxiety, and sleeplessness. Our genetic make-up, way of life, and surroundings are just a few of the numerous variables that impact our reactions to coffee.

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Due to its bitter, hot, dry, and mobile properties, coffee can elevate the doshas of fire and air in our bodies, or vata and pitta. These doshas regulate our digestion, mobility, and transformation, but when they are out of balance, they can lead to a host of mental and physical issues.

Coffee can balance the fire and air doshas, or vata and pitta, in our bodies because of its bitter, hot, dry, and mobile qualities. These doshas control our metabolism, movement, and transformation; however, when they are out of balance, they can cause a variety of psychological and physical problems.

1. Understand your dosha-To start drinking healthy coffee, you need to know your mind-body type, or dosha. Because it intensifies Vata’s already high nervous energy and leads to anxiety, insomnia, and dehydration, coffee is the most irritating substance to Vata. Coffee’s heating and acidic properties can aggravate Pitta by raising anger, acidity, and inflammation. The most adaptable dosha to coffee is Kapha, which can take advantage of its drying and stimulating qualities to counteract its tendency toward fatigue, gaining weight, and congestion.

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2. Choose best time-The optimal time to drink coffee, according to Ayurveda, is in the morning, between six and ten in the morning, when kapha is dominant and we need some stimulation to start the day. Avoid consuming coffee in the afternoon or evening as it may disrupt your circadian rhythm and quality of sleep.

Springtime, when the weather is cool and wet and we need some warmth and dryness to counterbalance the excess kapha, is the ideal time to drink coffee. In the summer, when it’s hot and dry outside and we need some cooling and hydration to counterbalance the excess pitta, avoid drinking coffee.

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3. Mix in some spices-Antioxidants, phytochemicals, and essential oils found in spices have been shown to support mood, immunity, and digestion. Among the best spices for coffee are clove, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom. Because it can both lower the acidity and bitterness of coffee and ground vata energy by directing it downward, cardamom is especially beneficial.

In addition to adding sweetness and warmth, cinnamon helps control blood sugar. Ginger can aid with nausea, circulation, and digestion. Nutmeg has the power to promote calmness and relaxation as well as better sleep. Clove can strengthen resistance to illness and aid in healing.

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4. Include some fat- Coffee contains fat-soluble nutrients like vitamin E and polyphenols, which can be better absorbed when there is fat present. Some of the greatest fats to add to your coffee are cashew milk, coconut oil, and ghee. Butyric acid, vitamin A, and omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in ghee, a type of clarified butter. It can heal your digestive system, lubricate your joints, and enhance your memory.

Medium-chain triglycerides like coconut oil can help your brain function, balance your cholesterol, and provide you with instant energy. Protein, calcium, and magnesium are all present in cashew milk, a tasty and creamy plant-based milk.

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5. Consume in Moderation-Ayurveda suggests consuming no more than one cup of coffee daily, even for kaphas. Overindulgence in coffee consumption can result in a number of health problems, such as headaches, palpitations, anxiety, insomnia, and dehydration. Drink a cup of warm water first if you need to cut your coffee consumption in half, and make sure to always drink coffee on an empty stomach. Herbal teas or tonics are another option to replace coffee since they have the same advantages without the drawbacks. Some of the best substitutes are ashwagandha tonic, tulsi tea, and green tea.

Coffee is a fantastic beverage with lots of benefits, but depending on how we drink it, it can also have some drawbacks. By heeding these six recommendations, we can savor the flavor and benefits of coffee without endangering our health and wellbeing.