Fashion trend for teenagers and its impact on them

Fashion is all about showing your personal identity. it is the First thing people look at to interpret who you actually are it definitely shows in to your choices you will make for yourself and shows the world what you stand for. It shows in your overall personality. It can be compared with an art as you have to be creative and artistic in choosing clothes you want to wear. It is ever changing as per requirement, season and occasion. But one thing which will stay that you will survive in any outfit if it is comfortable to wear and good to look at you.

Impact of fashion on teenagers

Teenagers are the most fashion conscious humans fashion is incredibly important on a teenager lifestyle. Different teenagers have different personality so they pick different styles, sizes, colours and fabrics. Some prefer to buy offline some would go online. So many factors affecting the fashion sense in teenagers.

1. Group pressure- Peer pressure is the greatest factor that affects teenager’s choice of fashion it can be good or bad. You will notice that teenagers buy things according to their friends and always shop together and end up the choices and selection according to their friends group.

2. Media Influence- teenagers always explore latest trends by keeping a watch on media and magazines related to latest fashion. Today internet also provides lots of information regarding fashion and style

3. celebrities- teenagers always follow celebrities for their fashion clothes. They always find inspiration of wearing clothes from his/her favourite celebrity. They even follow their hairstyles also. They just want to buy the exactly same outfit worn by their favourite model or actress.

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4. Designer wears- teenagers always look for branded products from some good designer. They always buy for some dedicated brand which they find best for them self. When they don’t have money to buy from designer stores they will get stressed.

New Spring colors for 2022

Colors which will be in fashion in 2022 are soft lilac, canary yellow, Hot pink salted caramel, Scarlet and sky blue

Basic need of Teenage boy wardrobe








Casual shoes

Suits , Accessories(Watches, cufflinks,ties)

Basic need of a Teenage girl wardrobe


Denim shorts

T shirts/Tops





Evening gowns

Traditional suits

 Basic makeup kit

Accessories(Watches,earrings, jewelry, bags/Slings)