Best Desi Ghee Brands available in Market for daily use

Ghee is a calorie dense food which no significant amount of proteins, carbohydrates, sugar and fiber. It is rich in vitamin A Vitamin E and Vitamin K and maintain a healthy heart and circulatory  system. You can do deep frying and shallow frying as it has a high smoke point. But some people don’t want to consume it for a variety of health reasons.

Cow ghee is preferred over buffalo ghee due to its nutritional value in India it is full of nutrition and adds taste to the food it offers several health advantages so it is considered one of the India’s nutritional food.

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Best Desi ghee brands available in Indian Market

1. Nestle Everyday Shahi Ghee- it is packaged using processes to retain the flavour and aroma and has a pleasing aroma and rich granular texture. it lends itself beautifully to varied Indian cuisines. It is a must product for various Indian households. Nestlé Ghee, is  consumed as a part of your daily balanced diet and active lifestyle

2. Mother Dairy Pure Healthy Ghee- mother dairy ghee is good source of energy  with the goodness of vitamin A  and having a great taste it has 896 Kcal of energy and having fat of 99.5g  and vitaminA. Its main ingredient is Milk Fat. It is worth of quality and quantity.

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3. Amul- Amul ghee is made from fresh cream and it has typical rich aroma  and granular texture. It is an ethnic product made by diaries and decades of  experience and rich source of Vitamin A,D,E and K. this ghee can be consumed for better digestion. It is a good source of energy and provides vitality to human body. It has maximum shelf life of 12 months.

4. Gowardhan- Parag Milk foods Pvt ltd created it. It offers dairy products of the highest quality. This premium ghee is produced using an unprocessed method that guarantees purity. It has a superb flavour and is prepared entirely from cow’s milk. It is of the highest quality and is in conformity..

5. Aashirvaad Svasti Pure Cow Ghee- An exclusive slocook procedure is used to create Aashirwad svati pure cow ghee. This desi ghee is made by slowly heating it at gradually rising temperatures for roughly 3.5 hours. This ghee is consistently of high quality and has a strong scent. It has vitamin A in it naturally, which is believed to support immunity.

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 6. Sri Sri TATTVA shuddhta ka naam Cow Ghee- It is excellent ghee made exclusively from cows, and any food you prepare will taste absolutely fantastic. Omega-3s and vitamins A, D, E, and K are abundant. Better immunity, heart health, joint health, and other benefits of ghee. It improves digestion and gives you a surge of energy to start the day.

 7. Anveshan A2 Cow Ghee – The traditional bilona method is used to make A2desi ghee, which churns curd into butter for the best nutrition, health, and purity. It is manufactured in tiny quantities using A2 fresh milk, which is obtained only after calves have their first portion from grass-fed Indian desi cows. It is completely natural, free of chemicals and preservatives. It helps lower cholesterol and promotes heart health because it is packed with beneficial fats. It benefits your skin and relieves joint discomfort.