If you are suffering from headaches on daily basis it is the type of chronic headaches. It occurs usually 15 days or more in a month and for longer than three months. There are two types of headaches in it short lasting and long lasting headache. Long lasting headaches lasts for more than 4 hours. It can include conditions like
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1. Chronic migraine
2. Tension type headache
3. Daily persistent headache
4. Hemicrania continua
Secondary headaches includes
1. Blood vessel disease in brain
2. Brain Injury
3. Hypertension
4. Infection
5. Sinus congestion
6. Trauma
7. Tumour
Prompt Medical help required if you see these symptoms
1. If your headache is sudden and severe
2. It accompany with fever, stiff neck, confusion, seizure, double vision and weakness.
3. Follows a head injury
4. Headache is getting worse despite rest and medication.
Reasons behind chronic daily headaches
We can’t define reason behind primary chronic headaches but for secondary chronic headaches include several causes
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1. Inflammation in blood vessels or stroke
2. Infections like meningitis
3. Brain tumour
4. Brain injury
Headache caused by overuse of medicines
This type of headache usually develops in people who have usually migraine or tension type disorder and they are taking too much pain medication. If you are taking pain medications over the counter and more than two days a week you are at risk of developing rebound headaches.

Lifestyle and environmental factors which triggered the headaches are
1. Stress
2. Lack of sleep
3. Skipped meals
4. Physical exertion
5. Changes in weather
6. Caffeine or alcohol use
7. Anxiety or depression
8. Medications
Lifestyle changes which can help to manage headaches
1. Avoiding things which trigger headaches
2. Taking enough routine sleep
3. Take your meals on time
4. Manage and keep a check on your weight
5. Lower your stress levels
6. Regular exercise
7. Limit the alcohol and caffeine intake
8. Quit smoking